caretaker - meaning and definition. What is caretaker
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What (who) is caretaker - definition

Care taker; Caretaker (disambiguation); Caretaker status; Caretakers

¦ noun
1. a person employed to look after a public building.
2. [as modifier] holding power temporarily: he was to act as caretaker Prime Minister.
3. chiefly N. Amer. a person employed to look after people or animals.
A caretaker is a person whose job it is to look after a large building such as a school or a block of flats or apartments, and deal with small repairs to it. (BRIT; in AM, use janitor
A caretaker is a person whose job it is to take care of a house or property when the owner is not there.
A caretaker government or leader is in charge temporarily until a new government or leader is appointed.
The military intends to hand over power to a caretaker government and hold elections within six months.
= acting
A caretaker is someone who is responsible for looking after another person, for example, a person who is disabled, ill, or very young. (mainly AM; in BRIT, use carer
Caretaker (military)         
Caretaker detachment; Caretaking detachment
A military caretaker or caretaker detachment is a group of one or more personnel assigned to maintain for future use a military base, fortification, or other facility that is ungarrisoned but not abandoned. Naval reserve fleets and military aircraft in long-term storage are also maintained by caretakers.



Caretaker may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for caretaker
1. And the caretaker comes.
A Dry Ganga Faces an Energy Thirsty Nation _ Valli Bindana _ Talks at Google
2. and caretaker rooms.
Lock In _ John Scalzi _ Talks at Google
3. caretaker, the educator.
De-Stress - Himalayan Trek 4 Humanity _ Adiel Tel-Oren _ Talks at Google
4. the caretaker and the elderly?
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5. But the primary caretaker, whoever
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Examples of use of caretaker
1. Caretaker government The president, Xanana Gusmao, announced plans to form a caretaker government but did not say who would replace Alkatiri.
2. The highest support for a caretaker government came from Balochistan ('2%), while the figure in support of a caretaker arrangement was 52% in Punjab.
3. Abbas asked him to stay on in a caretaker capacity.
4. He then moved into a caretaker role as prime minister.
5. All communications with the building caretaker proved useless.